Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Put on your blinders!

I'm so over distractions! (Sweet Brown's voice) "I ain't got no time for that!"
Watch out for these EVERY DAY DISTRACTIONS:
  1. People with their drama: Don't become wrapped up in other people's drama. Don't lose focus on your purpose. Friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/family member whoever it may be, you can't live in their world, build your world instead. STAY FOCUSED!
  2. Fake friends: Who has time for that? You need a circle of real friends who have your best interest at heart. "You are who your friends are", so if you feel one of your friends is fake, then so are you. Don't keep a fake friend around they're only going to distract you.
  3. Useless Entertainment: My pastor said anything that you allow into your body will affect you. Example: If you're listening to songs or watching movies of men cheating, well guess're going to start to believe that concept. Create your own beliefs. Don't rely on anyone else to tell you how to feel, think or act. Protect yourself from songs, movies, or magazines that destroy your beliefs .
  4. Vision board: You can make a vision board about anything! There's no rules! So have fun and be creative! A vision board will do wonders for your life. Everyday you will look at your vision board and eventually you'll start to believe the ideas you placed on your vision board are TRUE. My vision boards have been so comforting through a time when I felt forced to believe everyone's beliefs but my own. My vision boards give me hope because their MY beliefs/goals/dreams.

Do you ever feel distracted from obtaining your goals? Do any of the four distractions that I've listed ring true for you?

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.
-Napoleon Hill

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