Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I had the only BREAK THROUGH!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!

In my meisner class my emotions were revealed like never before! I can't explain in full details how rewarding it feels to let go, and allow!

I have to give credit to my repetition partner because he didn't allow me to shut down. He forced me to stay present in the moment and allow whatever I was feeling at that moment to come up. I felt so exposed after the meisner exercise. It took everything out of me. Words can't describe the experience so I'll keep this post short.

Know this...I'm finally claiming that I'm an actress! I'm tired of holding myself back, I'm so tired of not giving my all! This is what I was meant to do!

What's your craft? While pursuing your craft, have you had any emotional, physical or mental break through? Please share

"Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances."~ Sanford Meisner

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