Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thank you Lizette!!

Never forget those who open their home to you. Never forget those who give you food when you're hungry. Never forget those who love you and expect nothing in return.

This post is dedicated to Lizette Acevedo. Lizette, thank you for all those nights that you opened your home to me when I had late rehearsal at school. Thank you for sharing everything in your home with me, and making me feel so at home. Thank you for showing me that it's better to give than receive. You're beautiful inside and out. I appreciate you and will never forget all that you've done. You mean so much to me. Love you!

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.-Acts 20:35 NIV
Who has opened their home to you in your time of need? Who has shown you love unconditionally?

I had the only BREAK THROUGH!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!

In my meisner class my emotions were revealed like never before! I can't explain in full details how rewarding it feels to let go, and allow!

I have to give credit to my repetition partner because he didn't allow me to shut down. He forced me to stay present in the moment and allow whatever I was feeling at that moment to come up. I felt so exposed after the meisner exercise. It took everything out of me. Words can't describe the experience so I'll keep this post short.

Know this...I'm finally claiming that I'm an actress! I'm tired of holding myself back, I'm so tired of not giving my all! This is what I was meant to do!

What's your craft? While pursuing your craft, have you had any emotional, physical or mental break through? Please share

"Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances."~ Sanford Meisner

Monday, February 25, 2013

The journey of an actress

 My meisner class is unleashing my emotions and its soooo uncomfortable. I'm forced to open up and reveal my true emotions to my class. Its unnerving, super scary but so rewarding in the end. I'm building confidence as an actress through the meisner technique. I have an amazing instructor Roger Manix who doesn' allow me to shut down but instead dig deeper.

As I watched the Oscars I couldn't stop smiling. I looked at the actors and directors and films that were nominated and finally admitted that I want to be apart of that world. I've been running away from accepting the title "pursuing actress" because I don't believe in myself fully. Now I'm gaining confidence that I have what it takes. I have a long way to go, but I'm so proud of my growth."Real change takes time".

"Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today."-Mark Twain

Do you ever feel like you're running away from your destiny?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Courage eats fear any day!

So here's a little secret...I'm terrified of everything that makes me feel uncomfortable. Vulnerability, loving someone whole heartily, and trusting people, are a few things that make me feel uncomfortable. What helps me fight through those fears? My courage. I'm not a fearless being who's made out of steel (that would be weird). No! I'm the total opposite. I'm a sensitive, fearful, soft being. My Courage helps me explore what makes me uncomfortable. My courage helps me tackle my fear.

 If there's a situation, person, or thing that's making you conjure up fear, fight back with COURAGE. Having courage doesn't mean you're not scared, having courage means you're brave enough to face your fears. Always have courage to see what's on the other side.

Have you faced any of your fears with courage? Please share

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E Cummings

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Put on your blinders!

I'm so over distractions! (Sweet Brown's voice) "I ain't got no time for that!"
Watch out for these EVERY DAY DISTRACTIONS:
  1. People with their drama: Don't become wrapped up in other people's drama. Don't lose focus on your purpose. Friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/family member whoever it may be, you can't live in their world, build your world instead. STAY FOCUSED!
  2. Fake friends: Who has time for that? You need a circle of real friends who have your best interest at heart. "You are who your friends are", so if you feel one of your friends is fake, then so are you. Don't keep a fake friend around they're only going to distract you.
  3. Useless Entertainment: My pastor said anything that you allow into your body will affect you. Example: If you're listening to songs or watching movies of men cheating, well guess what...you're going to start to believe that concept. Create your own beliefs. Don't rely on anyone else to tell you how to feel, think or act. Protect yourself from songs, movies, or magazines that destroy your beliefs .
  4. Vision board: You can make a vision board about anything! There's no rules! So have fun and be creative! A vision board will do wonders for your life. Everyday you will look at your vision board and eventually you'll start to believe the ideas you placed on your vision board are TRUE. My vision boards have been so comforting through a time when I felt forced to believe everyone's beliefs but my own. My vision boards give me hope because their MY beliefs/goals/dreams.

Do you ever feel distracted from obtaining your goals? Do any of the four distractions that I've listed ring true for you?

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.
-Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I look up and see the Lord

Waiting for the train at E180th street one day, I looked up and saw the Lord. I saw his glory, his beauty and his light.
Photography: Nicole Banks
I'm always looking up at the sky.Waiting for a sign from the Lord. I picture the Lord looking down at me through the clouds, and shining his light upon me. I long to see his face and feel his embrace. I know I will one day.
What reminds you of the Lord?
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"
Erma Bombeck

I'm not skinny enough to model...

Hello ladies! Ever feel like you need to embrace your modeling side? Well you can. All you need is makeup (optional), some fun clothing (also optional), a professional camera, and yourself (the model). I recently did a photo shoot and realized I don't have to be skinny to consider myself a model. I'm thick and loving all of my curves! So what are you waiting for? If you want to model, go out and do it! And have fun! 

Also it doesn't hurt to have a professional makeup artist as a sister!

Do you like to model? Is there something holding you back?

“Tall, sandy blonde, with sort of blue eyes, skinny in places, fat in others. An average gal.”
Uma Thurman quotes


Who has photo albums anymore?

Sometimes I get so bored! One of my favorite things to do when I'm bored is to take a whole bunch of pictures! I have over three thousand pics in my camera and laptop put together, that I never printed out. Pictures dating back all the way from High school (07). One of my goals this year is to create photo albums from all of the many memories I have in my cam/laptop. If you're like me, try this year to print your pictures out. After all, these are memories for a life time.



when will these pictures reach a photo album?
 Do you suffer from keeping your pictures hostage on your camera like me?

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud


Sunday, February 17, 2013

VDAY Special

Hello Ladies! Hope your VDAY was amazing! Mines turned out to be extra special because I received gifts that I was not expecting at ALL. I thought all I was getting was a card. Turned out my love had a few tricks up his sleeve and made sure Vday was extra special. Plus his card was the best card I've ever read in my whole life!

How was your VDAY spent? Did your booski give you the gift you wanted?

"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone"

Taylor Swift-Love Story


                          Makeup done by SheShe Flawless. Modeling by yours truly Nikki B.

My new passion is modeling. I've always loved taking pictures and now I have the opportunity to take professional pictures, YAY!. In the photo above I'm taking a break from modeling and getting my hair fixed by makeup artist and hair stylist SheShe Flawless. More pics coming soon!

Do you have any new found passions? Do share!!

“The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.”
Karl Lagerfeld