Friday, October 18, 2013

When it all falls apart.

  "Guess’re not going to receive everything you want when you want it. However, when you trust and believe in the Lord he'll provide everything that your heart desires in due time."-Nikki B

The other day, I felt as though nothing was going my way. Everything that I wanted seemed so far away. I felt alone and as though no one fully understands what I'm going through. Then the Lord spoke to me through loved ones. My cousin Brit called me, and then my dad called me, and they both gave me encouraging words that I desperately needed to hear. Then a brief conversation with my meisner instructor opened my eyes. I discovered the root of my unhappiness are multiple things. I have to accept my current circumstances and deal with it day by day.

Below are steps I'm taking towards happiness. I pray my steps can help guide you to happiness if you're feeling down/blah/sad/lonely/unhappy.

Step 1: Confession: Admit that there's something in your life that's making you unhappy.

Step 2: Vulnerability: Speak to someone you trust about everything you're going through (don't hold back).

Step 3: Support Group: Speak to supportive individuals who know what you're going through (everyday if possible). They should listen, give advice and encourage you.

Step 4: Laugh: Is it really that bad? Whatever you're going through will pass. Believe that your circumstances will get better, and find something to do that will make you laugh.

Step 5: Pray: Pray that God gives you faith, hope, and understanding of his perfect will for you. Pray for patience.
Special thanks to my sisters/support group: Shakiea, Shauna, and Brittany for always being there for me.


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