Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trust is lacking in relationships.

Do you feel like you only trust your partner when they're in your presence?

TRUST: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

In the past, trusting a boyfriend has always been an issue for me. The fear of being hurt closed me off from fully opening up to my boyfriend. I was so fearful of being lied to and being taken for a fool that I used to drive myself crazy thinking about what my boyfriend was doing when he wasn't with me. If he told me he was somewhere, I would always question him and/or if he didn't call me frequently I would assume he was out with another girl. That's DEFINITELY not healthy behavior!

I discovered how to trust and love someone whole heartily. I had to work on myself. I had to figure out my insecurities. What was I insecure about, and why? By working on myself and facing my insecurities it has allowed my current boyfriend and I to have a strong foundation. Our relationship is based on trust.

-A friend of mine Santoya once told me to trust in the Lord. He's the almighty and can help build you and your partner into the person you're meant to be. 

-When you have a relationship based on trust, there's freedom to breathe. Nikki B

Do you agree or disagree?

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