Tuesday, October 22, 2013

God is found in silence.

Are you finding it difficult to hear God? Are things in your daily life getting in the way of your peace?

Turn off your cell phone, walk away from the TV, and tell your friends you'll see them tomorrow. Today is a day for silence.

"Silence is golden". When you sit in silence, you'll find peace of mind. You have so many distractions on a day to day basis.

Distractions: Cell phones, family and friends, your children, TV, social networks, etc.

A walk through the park, laying in your bed, a drive, meditation, etc can all be ways you can find some alone time and have silence. During your time of silence and alone time, you can feel God's joy working inside of you and his peace overtake you.

"A peaceful mind can't be bought, only experienced."-Nikki B

(Photography by Nicole Banks)


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