Friday, January 10, 2014

Building a relationship with Jesus

About three years ago I was in search of happiness, peace, and unconditional love. I tried to obtain these things through clubs/bars, food, people, working out, money, name brand items, and acting. I was still empty. Nothing gave me peace, or comfort. Then, I had a burning desire to learn more about Jesus. Not through church, or through people, but through the bible.

For as long as I could remember I wanted to read the bible however I never felt confident enough to do so. I prayed asking Jesus to give me strength, and the confidence to read the bible. 

With Jesus guidance I'm reading the bible and growing closer to Jesus each day. I now have my own relationship with Jesus, that only he and I understand. No religion, just Jesus and I.

 I openly thank you for always answering my prayers Jesus, you are Lord of Lords, King of Kings.

Are you in search of unconditional love? Seek Jesus and you'll find it.

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