Tuesday, June 25, 2013

As I look into my future what do I see...

WEST ELM has to be the best furniture store EVER!!!! It's up the block from my job, which means my lunch breaks are mostly spent looking around and day dreaming about how I'm going to decorate my future home. I could be having the worst day ever, but I walk inside West Elm and suddenly I'm filled with happiness. I could stay there all day walking around smiling.

I declare that I will have West Elm furniture in my home! If you want something in this life no matter your circumstances, you have to have faith that you can obtain your goal. I may not have the finances right now, but I believe in my heart that West Elm was made for me. By working hard and saving my money, I'll be able to achieve my dream.

One of my many visits to West Elm (photography by me)

My dream bedroom set 
Living room couch
The lamp for my bedroom
Organic Blown Glass Pendant for my kitchen
Living room lamp (I love trees, and fell in love when I saw this lamp).
Glass Orb Chandelier for my dining room
All the little tools I need to make different dishes from scarch
 My dream Fridge!

My dream shower!

Chandelier for my bathroom
My home will be filled with candles....
And scented diffusers

 Look beyond your circumstances and paint a picture of the items you want. With hard work and faith, you'll receive your blessings.

"Home is where the heart is."
-Pliny the Elder

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