Monday, March 11, 2013


 This past Saturday I attended Melimel's inspiring women empowerment event!! Oh yea! Women stand up! I was so impressed with Melimel's event. The women on the panel, the food and drinks, and the honesty that was expressed by women in the room was unbelievable. I'm so thankful that I was able to be apart of this beautiful event. Melimel plans on having a women empowerment annually. Be there at her next women empowerment event and view her website: Below is a pic of Melimel and I at her event.   

My sister SheShe Flawless and I at Melimel's event. Melimel raffled off a gift bag put together by Sheshe. The bag contained some of Sheshe's favorite items to use on her clients. Exciting news!! Sheshe will be on the panel at next year's women empowerment event. So be there for the inside scoop on how Sheshe flawless got started.
Below is a pic of Sheshe and I with two of the panelist, Jayblessed and Chimere Ward. Jayblessed is a blogger who has her own website: and Chimere runs a catering company called "Clean Plate Co." website: Chimere made delicious bites for the guests at the event and her food was finger licking good. I kept asking for more! (yes I'm greedy so what!) The best part is Chimere food is healthy.Thank goodness because I can't afford thicker thighs lol
Below is a pic of all three panelists Jayblessed, Robin Graham website: , Chimere with the hostess Melimel. Each female below discussed the many challenges they faced through their life, and how they became successful in their own creative careers. The ladies below often used the words "passion" and "fear". You have to be passionate about the line of work you choose to do. Each female below is passionate about their craft, which naturally led them to success. However, they face fear just like you and I. Their courage, and the belief that they can achieve their goals is how they conquer their fear.

"Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion." -Oprah.

Do you think women are powerful? Do women really run the world?


MelimeL said...

Thank you Nicole! This is a great recap and I'm so glad you got so much from the event. Your family there was truly special! Looking forward to 2014!

NikkiB said...

You're welcome! Thank you for putting together this event. Every female should be empowered by other females and you empower me!

Clean Plate Co. said...

This is just lovely, Nicole! This event was certainly one of the best experiences I've ever had & I'm sure we can all attest to that! It was so nice meeting you, Shauna, & your mom for the first time. You three are an amazing set & I'm forever greatful to Mel, for introducing all of us that evening & creating a sisterhood, serving as a foundation for many more groundbreaking endeavors to come!

NikkiB said...

Yes! You're inspirational. thank you so much for opening up and sharing how you faced fear but still pursued your dreams. I can relate so much to you and it's good to know that I'm not alone. I'm loving this new found sisterhood, thinking of ideas that can bring all of our talents together!