Monday, April 2, 2012

I'm in love!!!

I can't stop watching Basketball Wives!! I mean the whole show is full of females calling each other "bitches" and isn't helpful for my spiritual growth. I don't feel closer to God or feel like a better person after I watch an episode. But the drama, the fights, the crazy personalities work for me. Also, the individual back story that is revealed about each person over the course of the show intrigues me.

Everyone has a story. At first I thought some of the females were mean because they were bored and found enjoyment in harassing others. Then, episode after episode their hard shell started to peel off as they revealed pain, hurt, and embarrassment that they experienced in their past. If the females on the show didn't share their past issues, I would have stopped watching the show a long time ago. I admire honesty. It takes a brave person to speak openly and truthfully to the world.

The ladies honesty is the reason why I'm so in love with the show. Well some of the ladies are honest and real and I watch the show because they keep it “100”.

What's one of your fav ratchet shows?

“We know perfectly well how to be spiritual. It's being human that we have trouble with.” - Renee Bledsoe

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