Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So many men are getting FIRED!!! A relationship is just like applying for a job. So you hire a guy because you liked what you read on his resume, and the interview went really well. OK perfect! However, once he's given the job you notice that he's not living up to his resume skills, and begins to slack on his job. What do you do? Do you give him a warning? If so, how many warnings? I say, if you really like the guy and you think he may be the one, you should give him no more than three warnings. If you have to give him more than that, then he's not qualified for the job in the first place.

P.S: Letting someone go is always hard. Try to look on the bright side. By letting this worker go, you open up the door for a new hot sexy worker to apply for the job. And hopefully this new worker will do anything in his power to keep his job.
Have you ever had to fire a worker because he didn't live up to his resume qualifications? Do SHARE :)

"You never find yourself until you face the truth." Pearl Bailey

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