Wednesday, June 4, 2014

No social network...why?

About three days ago I deactivated my twitter which was my last source of social network. Ahhh! I'm so happy! I've been wanting to rid myself completely from social network for a while now. 

Social network served it's purpose for when I was on it, talking to high school friends and what not, but ultimately it killed my creative juices. Now that I rid myself of social networking I've been more productive. Going on auditions for plays, writing different ideas down for future projects, and living in the moment.

I always tell myself "I could die tomorrow" so I want to enjoy "today" fully. Instead of taking a picture of every moment of my life and posting it on social networking, I'm going to live my life fully instead. 

As for my blog, my blog is my baby, my public journal. I love writing, and want to share my thoughts with whoever will listen. 

So there it is folks! How do you feel about social network? Do you think me blogging is still a form of social networking? It kinda is lol...whatevas!

Until next time! 
Nikki B


Unknown said...

Hi Nicole!
This put a smile on my face -thinking of you and your creativity. How like Alexander Technique to practice living in the moment!
So very glad you are thriving - much love to you!

NikkiB said...

Thank you Belinda!!! Hope all is well :)