Saturday, January 7, 2012


OK, so how do we feel about cheaters? HATE THEM! no seriously nobody likes a cheater. A relationship works when both members are honest, trust one another, communicate, and have the same vision in life.

just in case your unaware of what cheating's when a person is having a private relationship that their partner doesn't know about. Yes, even talking on the phone late nights with somebody you're interested in behind your partner's back is cheating. I've always been terrified to be cheated on, however I discovered it's nothing to fear. Instead, it's a great conversation to have with a potential partner.

Discuss your views on cheating with your potential partner. Express your passion for a strong monogamous relationship. If they express the same passion, then that should help you trust them and feel better about starting a relationship with this person.

"what's done in the dark is brought to light" SO FEAR NOT! If your partner is messing around, you will find out about it. No need to dig for dirt, you'll only drive yourself crazy.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. - Bible

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