Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Do you have self-compassion? You may think that you have high self-esteem, and view your self as a confident person, but that doesn't mean you have self-compassion.  
Self-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering.
How many times have you called yourself stupid, fat, or not good enough? I used to speak to myself this way, to motivate myself to lose weight, read more or overall become a better me. However, I'm learning now that, thinking this way doesn't benefit me emotionally or spiritually. Instead I've learned to say nice things to myself even when I don't feel at my best. I'm also learning that motivation works best for me with encouraging words.
How to gain self-compassion:
 Self-kindness: you have to treat yourself with kindness especially when dealing with pain, and suffering. Say kind, motivating things to yourself all the time.( try to hug yourself everyday)  
Common humanity: you have to realize that suffering is shared with all of humanity and is apart of life. Don't let your suffering consume you.   
Mindfulness: be aware of your negative thoughts and emotions. Try not to judge your negative feelings or thoughts, but instead recognize it, and try to over power that feeling with positive thinking.
    For my "Cultivating Actor's Awareness" workshop my instructor advised us to take this self-compassion test. If your interested in building self-compassion try taking this test. Link below:

    What you think about yourself is much more important than what others think of you.
    - Marcus Annaeus Seneca

    1 comment:

    Sheshe Love said...

    This is great! Well said chica. You are encouraging in every way; spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Love it! ;)